Michelle Campbell COO
Michelle is the firm’s operations officer providing firm organization operations, human resource, business development and consulting to our clients. In addition, her background and professional experience will leverage employer and employee relations in mediators and workplace investigators. Ms. Campbell was honored as an 2016 MLK Business Leader by the State of Colorado, and recognized as 2016 Business Advoacte by The National Rocky Mountain Business Council. In 2019 The Governors Office of Economic Development, honored her as 2019 Business Leader and Advocate. In addition, she serves as business advisor and commissioner to the office of economic development and international trade for the State of Colorado.
Michelle Campbell has served as organization development advisor for 25 years, focus on organization effectiveness and employment policy matters. She is a trained engineer and counselor with national experience in developing effective operation and employee systems that impact productive work environments. Her practice areas have included; corporate systems analysis, workplace investigations, diversity cultural audits, operations assessments, mediation, executive coaching, and project implementation. She has successfully developed numerous corporate operations plans that involved transforming an organizations employee policy, and developed new strategies for organization effectiveness. Michelle has written, facilitated, and served as senior advisor on various corporate organization transformation projects, this experience has gained her expertise in diversity and inclusion. Her publications, workshops, and, keynote address include topics on organization effectiveness, and incorporate the best practices in serving and establishing policies on the basis of race, gender, sexual harassment, disability and age.
Michelle is a thoughtful advisor that brings structure, organization and a practical approach to an organizations challenging situation, Her ability to identify critical gaps and bring a human dynamic and experience that reaches across a diverse client base.
Alan Campbell Finance Manager
Alan Campbell, received his undergraduate from Loyola University of Chicago, and oversees the firms billing, and accounting department. In addition, he serves our clients, and the attorneys is ensuring third party billing, and accounts are accurately reported.
Joshua Brown IT Director
Joshua obtained his BA in Information Technology. He has over 20 years of IT experience in the private sector including non-profits, academic, medical and legal environments. His roles have included systems administrator, network engineer, network manager, consultant and director.
Additionally, Joshua holds certifications with Microsoft, CompTIA and ITIL. Cedric designs and manages the firms network infrastructure, information systems, and security posture based on industry standards.
Anna Gomez Paralegal